Ladies’ Bespoke Suit

A bespoke tailored ladies’ suit makes you look and feel your best!

This is due to the fact that each factor influencing your look and feel of a tailored ladies’ suit is being tailored exactly to your wishes and balanced in between them.

Each tailored suit for ladies’ consists of 4 facets:

1. The measurements of a bespoke ladies’ suit

Each lady has her own curves, figure and ideas about this. Garments straight off the rack simply can’t cater to these wishes which ensures you will never have the fit that compliments you. When you as a lady have your suit tailored to your personal measurements taking in account the way and style you will wear it then this will ensure the best possible fit.

With a proper fit your suit can camouflage or accentuate anything to your desires.

2. The model / The style of a ladies’ tailored suit

Ladies’ suits can be tailored in any model you wish.
So always the way you like a suit regardless if it is in fashion at the time or not. The model also has great influence on the fit and appearance of a ladies’ suit. What one could love would be a faux pas for the other.

Naturally, most ladies have a “classic” suit tailored first, then when you are familiar with the process and the making of a ladies’ suit you will get more creative with style elements making it easier to create your own personal style in tailored ladies suits. Where one lady has basic suits tailored which can be combined with other pieces without being too much of an eyecatcher, the other goes straight for that statement piece. To each their own freedom of choice in making a desired tailored suit.

3. The materials of a ladies’ bespoke suit

The choice of materials is almost unlimited
when you visit a good tailor who makes ladies’ suits. A fabric is a dimension greater than just black or dark blue. Fabrics evoke associations/ emotions and give a certain performance to your garments. How would you imagine a comparison between a flannel ladies suit and a bright red ladies suit?

It’s not only about colours, but also about factors such as weight, structure, weaves, designs and many more. You could look at it as if the fabric were the spices to your dinner, with the correct tweak you can upgrade a look from good to great. And as a lady you want your tailored suit to be able to perform on a day to day basis and wear it without constraints, thus the performance of a fabric is of great importance.

It improves the longevity of your suit and for example, heavier fabrics have a better drape and thus a better feel and appearance. What is the use of a suit which has a beautiful colour but does not feel good? Of course this all needs to be in balance. Naturally, the tailor will help and guide you making the right choices. Start with a basic blue or grey is our device, and experiment from there on with more exotic materials and styles.

4. The make of a ladies’ bespoke suit

When your measurements are taken and the model and fabrics are decided it is time to construct your bespoke ladies’ suit. The nice thing is that when you have it tailored by a good tailor this will be done by hand and gives a higher quality and performance to your garments you won’t be able to find in stores. Simply put, it is a matter of time and attention.

Plus, you know who makes your garments and where it comes from, making it a fair and sustainable choice when you have your ladies’ suit tailored. And most of all, you will have a fitting session where all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed, where you are able to further adjust and detail your garments the way you wish. This is all documented on your personal measurement form, basically forming the basis of your personal clothing line.

When the time comes you want to have something new tailored, you can easily adjust and adapt things from that blueprint and improve your garments even further. Another benefit is that the tailor knows who you are and what your preferences are, something that makes working together both pleasurable and effective. Who did not dream as a little girl of designing and tailoring your own princess’ gowns. With a bespoke ladies’ suit you are able to do that.

Ladies’ suits inspiration 2023:

Click here to see more of our bespoke tailored ladies’ suits.

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